Tea from North Korea
Tasting a tea from North Korea. It’s really good. But is it genuine?
A small plug for a promising new tea import company.
Huangshan Maofeng, a delicious and superbly inexpensive green tea.
Wine and tea: they actually have a lot in common. In the second installment of this seminal article I look at the production process of wine and tea and how possibly they can be similar.
Tea is perishable. Green tea doesn’t age. Drink your Japanese sencha within a few weeks. Lies, all lies.
Three Korean teas on the tea table – more than I normally sample in a year.
The only tea produced in Europe comes from Portugal’s Azores islands. I taste the green and black teas of the leading tea estate here, Gorreana.
Tasting four Chinese green teas sourced directly from farmers. Tongue-twisting names and refreshing tastes.
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