New shoots
Posted on 16 February 2012
A small plug today for Five Star Tea, a tea shop set up by two friends from the Polish tea interest group I created. They’ve teamed up with a wholesaler in mainland China who offers both good affordable everyday tea and some handpicked selections.
I’ve tasted a number of these teas recently. An affordable Dancong (not yet on the website) was aromatic with the telltale almondy, spicy character of DC – a good daily pick if you like that style. A limited production (26kg made only) 2011 Pure Qidan Danhongpao impressed with its subtle roast, upfront fruit, and clean sucre d’orge sweetness on the long finish – with less roast than often in Dahongpao, this is a delicious example that I’d be happy to retry. Another roasted Wuyi oolong, 2011 Huang Guan Yin, will be half the price of the above and nearly as good in a similar style.

Puzzling 20-year-old for the hardened drinker.
We then tasted a 1993 Shuixian from Zhengyan. This is a strange tea. My experience is too limited to tell, though I tasted these older Dancongs and Taiwanese Baozhong and they were high-roasted but mellow and clean teas with plenty of fruit. This 1993 SX aged more in the direction of a puer – with plenty of earthiness alongside some subtle orange peel flavours, it developed a strong medicinal, penicillin-like character that I didn’t like too much, but it’s personal and people who enjoy an old fermented puer will like this one too. (This was only brewed three times, and I perhaps should give it the benefit of a doubt). As I’m writing this I’m tasting a Handmade Liuan Guapian, and it’s another impressive tea: assertive and full-bodied with surprising amounts of umami for a Chinese green tea, a perfect green for the winter.
The Five Star Tea website also has an English version and delivery is worldwide. All these teas are pretty affordable (the Guapian is just $15 per 50g), descriptions on the website are informative, and I’m being told there are some exciting grand cru-level teas are in the pipeline. There is also a selection of nice handcrafted teaware by another friend, potter Andrzej Bero who also runs this blog. Tea in Poland is growing new shoots.
Five Star Tea is run by friends – I’m happy to recommend this shop but have no financial involvement and I make no commissions on sales. I occasionally receive some tea tasting samples from Five Stars Tea.