New shoots
A small plug for a promising new tea import company.
A small plug for a promising new tea import company.
Huangshan Maofeng, a delicious and superbly inexpensive green tea.
…too young! Why ageing really makes sense.
Dancong (Phoenix oolong) is one of the most distinctive teas. Exhuberant in youth, it also ages well, as this tasting of examples from 1994, 1996 and 1997 proves.
A prestigious wine award went to China. Why is this causing so much stir? Isn’t there a hidden racist agenda in the wine world?
Wine and tea: they actually have a lot in common. In the second installment of this seminal article I look at the production process of wine and tea and how possibly they can be similar.
Wine and tea: they couldn’t look more different but in fact, have quite a lot in common. In the first installment of this seminal article I look at the geography and terroir of the vine and tea tree.
The logistic challenges of moving a tea collection.
Three Korean teas on the tea table – more than I normally sample in a year.